Friday, March 20, 2020

Wake Up essays

Wake Up essays We are approaching the point of no return, in terms of what makes this nation great. Now, we have already leaped grossly past the barrier or morality and decency in our society, but one of the few things that we have always been able to depend on is slowly slipping out of our grasp. Am I crazy? Thats a possibility but lets leave that for another time. Every little disjointed, fragmented thought from Donald Rummy Rumsfeld or from our drug-enthusiast president (soon to be dictator) sickens me. We are following blindly into the shadows of the unknown. Every reporter is labeled unpatriotic and purposely not allowed to do their jobs by reporting from the front lines. We believe every single lie that is spoon-fed to us by the military and the US government. WE HAVE LATE BREAKING NEWS from the pulpit of MIGHT, known as the White House: There is another stem added to the already corrupted governmental system. This one is called the Department of Strategic Influence, which states that the government can and will whimsically decide whether it will lie or tell us the truth on matters of importance to us.(Point of mention: this is why Daniel Pearle had to go into Pakistan on his own to find his story) We are to the point of the 50s with McCarthyism, but now instead of being in fear of being called Communist, we have to cower in the presence being unpatriotic. We are perpetuating things that dont need to be prolonged for the benefit of one boy, one ego and one exaggerated axis of power. Prediction: we will be in a permanent state of war for Bushs sake, because he is cunning in way. He saw what happened to his father, when he took time to lay his head off the table of pleasure. He witnessed that once George Bush I ended the war and had to focus on the economy, the environment and education, etc... his approval rating w ent down the drain and he was pushed out of office. Things do need ...

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

An Introduction to Korsakoffs Syndrome

An Introduction to Korsakoffs Syndrome Korsakoff’s syndrome is a memory disorder caused by a deficiency of thiamine, or vitamin B1, in the body. It is usually characterized by amnesia, disorientation, apathy, and confabulation – a condition in which a person reports events that never happened. Korsakoff’s syndrome is commonly associated with prolonged alcohol misuse. Effects of Thiamine Deficiency on the Body Thiamine is critical to the health of living organisms. It serves as a  cofactor  for enzymes involved in carbohydrate metabolism.  These  enzymes  help produce chemicals needed for generating important  molecules  for the body, such as those that help give cells energy and others that are crucial to building protein. Thus, a lack of thiamine can interfere with many of the body’s processes and lead to  cellular death. Although thiamine is essential for the body, the body does not produce thiamine on its own, and only stores a small amount of thiamine (about 30 mg) at one time. The body can deplete this small store of thiamine in only a few weeks if thiamine is not ingested. When combined with alcohol misuse, thiamine deficiency can interfere with the body’s ability to absorb and transport additional amounts of thiamine. For example, liver damage can reduce how much thiamine can be stored in the body. Furthermore, the transport of thiamine through several parts of the body, like the  blood-brain barrier, can be impaired. These sites would then require even more thiamine to function normally. Neuropsychology of Korsakoffs Syndrome Thiamine deficiency affects several brain regions involved in  episodic memory. These areas, which include structures in the  limbic system  such as the  hippocampus, are responsible for the coding, storage, and retrieval of memories related to specific events. Other memory systems can also be affected by thiamine deficiency,  including autobiographical memory, which combines memories of personal experiences (episodic memory) with general knowledge about the world (autobiographical knowledge). Another area that can be damaged is implicit learning, which is the knowledge that one learns without being aware of it, like the motor skills involved in riding a bike. Though researchers have emphasized the role of memory in Korsakoff’s syndrome, its symptoms often include impairments in executive functions, like reasoning and speech, which are associated with the  frontal lobes  of the brain. For example, confabulation – which is a main characteristic of the syndrome – may involve both memory and the frontal lobes. This has led some researchers to postulate that neurotoxicity resulting from alcohol would primarily affect the frontal lobes of the brain, and occur alongside thiamine deficiency, which affects memory – though this hypothesis has been debated. Causes of Korsakoffs Syndrome Though Korsakoff’s syndrome is commonly associated with alcohol misuse, the condition is not necessarily caused by alcohol. Other causes of Korsakoff’s syndrome include poor nutrition, anorexia, and surgical procedures that are performed to induce weight loss – which can lead to a deficiency of thiamine in the body. TheWet Brain â€Å"Wet brain,† or Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, describes individuals who develop both Korsakoff’s syndrome and Wernicke’s encephalopathy due to  alcohol misuse. In cases of wet brain, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, which is characterized by imbalance, confusion, and double vision, occurs  first. Wernicke’s encephalopathy occurs suddenly but its symptoms are often reversible with thiamine treatments. Korsakoff’s syndrome occurs more slowly, and its symptoms are typically irreversible. Around 85 percent of individuals with Wernicke’s encephalopathy develop Korsakoff’s syndrome. Theoretical Explanations There are two distinct theoretical explanations for Korsakoffs syndrome: the continuity hypothesis and the dual-process model. The continuity hypothesis for Korsakoff’s syndrome states that there is a continuum of increasingly worsening cognitive and neurophysiological symptoms, such as memory loss, that can result from alcohol misuse. This continuum extends from individuals who are dependent on alcohol but do not have any complications to those with Korsakoff syndrome. This suggests that Korsakoff’s syndrome is a more severe consequence of alcohol dependence, though worse conditions do not necessarily correlate to a more pronounced drinking history. However, studies testing the continuity hypothesis have mostly focused on memory, with little evidence for other impairments that are also observed in Korsakoff’s syndrome. The dual-process model states that cognitive processes like decision-making utilize one of two systems: the â€Å"reflective system,† in which an individual deliberates a decision before making one, and the â€Å"automatic-affective system,† in which someone impulsively acts. The reflective system is associated with the prefrontal lobes, while the automatic-affective system mostly concerns the limbic system. Normally, these two systems work together to ensure that someone is making coherent decisions. However, this balance may be disrupted in someone who is addicted to alcohol. They have a more active automatic-affective system, which leads to more impulsive behavior, and a less active reflective system, which means those impulsive behaviors are less likely to be inhibited. Though this model may be of relevance to Korsakoff’s syndrome, it has mostly been tested on people who have recently recovered from an alcohol addiction and do not have Korsakoff’s syndrome. The model should be validated through further study. Korsakoffs Syndrome Key Takeaways Korsakoff’s syndrome, which is commonly associated with the misuse of alcohol, is a long-term consequence of thiamine deficiency. Thiamine, or vitamin B1, is an essential vitamin for the body to function.The syndrome is mostly characterized by deficits in memory, though it affects other functions of the brain as well.Models have been postulated to explain Korsakoff’s syndrome, but the models still require further study. Sources â€Å"Autobiographical memory.† In Learning and Memory: A Comprehensive Reference, 2008, pp. 893-909.Brion, M., D’Hondt, F., Davidoff, D., and Maurage, P. â€Å"Beyond cognition: Understanding affective impairments in Korsakoff syndrome.† Emotion Review, vol. 8, no. 4, 2016, pp. 376-384.Brion, M., Pitel, A., Beaunieux, H., and Maurage, P. â€Å"Revisiting the continuum hypothesis: toward an in-depth exploration of executive functions in Korsakoff syndrome.† Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, vol. 8, 2014.Cornell University. â€Å"Thiamine biochemistry.†Martin, P., Singleton, C., and Hiller-Sturmhà ¶fel, S. â€Å"The role of thiamine deficiency in alcoholic brain disease.†McCormick, L., Buchanan, J., Onwuameze, O., Pierson, R., and Paradiso, S. â€Å"Beyond alcoholism: Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome in patients with psychiatric disorders.† Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, vol. 24, no. 4, 2011, pp. 209-216Thomson, A., Guerrini, I., and Ma rshall, E. â€Å"The evolution and treatment of Korsakoff’s syndrome.† Neuropsychology Review, vol. 22, no. 2, 2012, pp. 81-92.